Love was never wrong nor right.
A decision made by Man could not have ever earned an audience like this.
I have seen Love pass by those in need of rest, in need of sleep.
I have seen him, Love, accost two souls needy and in need of food, in need of drink.
I have seen him nod and walk away somewhere—
Somewhere he might find two souls needing each other, needing to be One.

And there, at the feet of two who together are far greater that even he, Love,
A voice, not heard in the ears, but only in the heart of the two who wish to be one—
That voice, their voice, acclaims that,

"Love is never wrong nor right!
Love is but a creature in the night
That sees not the snares set to catch it or
The pain left for it to graze upon. No,
Love is a creature who moves to prove if only it might
That Love is never wrong, but always right!"